The program “Earn While You Learn” aims to link business purpose with a larger national purpose of enhancing energy security through energy efficiency, energy conservation and renewable energy. Our “Earn While You Learn” program is built upon with unique abilities to service energy and environmental problems. “Earn While You Learn” offers training and educational experiences for graduate and undergraduate engineering and science students.
The “Earn while you learn” is a platform for students and professionals; providing learning, networking, and employment opportunities. The “Earn While You Learn” goes beyond outreach and networking by creating a forum for companies and educational organizations to connect with and help shape and inspire the next generation of green professionals.
Aims & Objectives
- To establish synergistic institutional linkages with educational institutions in India to promote energy conservation, renewable energy and environment protection activities.• ·
- To promote skill and knowledge on application of new technologies on Energy efficiency through education and training.
- Encourage and assist in implementation of programmes related to the objective of improvement of energy efficiency by conducting energy audits and implementing the recommendations arising thereof;
- To prepare strategies and encourage actions for promoting energy conservation and environment protection.
Our “Earn While You Learn” model is a structured, skill-development model and a unique Student-Industry friendly program. Under this model, the trainees receive a stipend during (Earn) the program and also get industry exposure (Learn). The Certificate will be awarded to successful students and they are offered the option to join any industry. This program is based on an industry-oriented curriculum and offers a customized module for energy efficiency & renewable energy option for each company.
The idea behind this concept is to provide a platform to students, to gain first-hand experience while they are still pursuing their degree/ diploma and to be paid a stipend too, as in an internship. In this model, the students undergo extensive practical sessions as per the guidance of our experts. The students can get study materials and guidance from Krishna Engineers & Consultants (KEC) time to time through their registered email. At the end of the course, they are free to join the same company they interned as a student; or they may choose to join any other company of their choice. Under “Earn While You Learn”, a student would be exposed to the industry/ commercial building operations. It is like a one-year long internship cum energy course.
Key Features of "Earn while you learn” Model
- Stipend to trainees - Earn
- Hands-on industry exposure - Learn
- Training cost met by industry
- Industry oriented curriculum
- Certificate to successful trainees
The stipend is paid by the company where the student interns. The certificate will be issued by KEC, to students who successfully complete the course. The infrastructure, the training costs and the curriculum is customized according to industry needs and is regularly updated as per changing industry trends.
KEC also offers co-ops to engineering students who want to join this program, while maintaining their college schedules. Gain hands-on experience while working on challenging projects, network with professionals and learn from some of the brightest minds in business.
It is a win-win situation for both the industries and the students as the industries/ institutions get their energy audit and solutions for their energy efficiency, power quality and renewable energy options, while the students get first -hand experience of the industry as they pursue their degree/ diploma programmes. There is no employer-employee relationship: rather it is a student-institute relationship that is practiced.